These pages smell like dust and palmin

The Angelic Process - Dying in A-Minor

Alternative versions of the Lesser Banishing Ritual by Mr Regardie

The conscious objector who frowns at abrahamic door-bashing and remains interested in esoterica encounters just a slight problem when he takes a look at the key LBRP and sees all manners of hebrew words of power and idioms of thought, which he then finds to have crept a bit everywhere in all manner of related arts and ways. He wants to think that's fine, that he'll just make up his own practice, just the way these superb masters online told him to do, if sheltering some doubts about the bizarre idea, but hey, it's the intention that counts, right? He looks down on his desk and needs to come up with something, but he's being asked to come up with millennia-old holy words of power...? Doubtful, he feels he wants to do things by the book, follow a rigidly marked down process by the letter, which in his mind would ensure the elusive results about as good as he follows the instructions... But he finds that still the whole scene of incantations is filled up with judeo-christian mindworks, and it just doesn't sit right with him... He knows, a bit guiltily, that as long as this highly personal key does not indeed sit fully right with him, it may not sit at all. So he wants to throw the whole of magic into a bag and toss it out, a bit too quickly bitterly disgusted, in some hasty judgement so as to not think about it anymore. ...No? Eh, well, at least I know I did. However! There are alternate versions to this inductor, which may serve now as a nifty inspiration for us to look into.

'Moses? Yes. The Jewish religion? Load of rubbish.' ─ Random Regardie

  1. GREEK

  2. Stand and face the East.

    Imagine brilliant white light touching the top of your head. Reach up with your hand and connect with it to bring it to your forehead. Touch the forehead. Say Sou estin.

    Touch your chest and say he Basileia

    Touch the right shoulder and say kai he Dynamis

    Touch the left shoulder and say kai he Doxa

    Clasp your hands above your chest and say eis tous Aionas ton Aionon.

    Say Amen

    Face the East.

    Use the hand to trace a large lesser banishing pentagram. Vibrate Theios Aer
    Thrust into it and vibrate Pneuma

    Bring the line to the South and trace the same pentagram there. Vibrate Theion Pyr
    Thrust into it and vibrate Psyche

    Bring the line to the West and trace the same pentagram there. Vibrate Theion Hydor
    Thrust into it and vibrate Nous

    Bring the line to the North and trace the same pentagram there. Vibrate Theion Theia Ge
    Thrust into it and vibrate Soma

    Return to the East, make the cross with your body.

    Say Before me, AIOLOS, Guardian of the Winds.

    Behind me, TETHYS, Queen of the Seas.

    On my right hand, HESTIA, Lady of the flame.

    On my left hand, DEMETER, the Great Mother of Earth.

    For about me flames STEPHANOS ASTERON...

    And above me shines the DUO TRIGONA

    A E I O U AW

    Stand and face the East.

    Imagine brilliant white light touching the top of your head. Reach up with your hand and connect with it to bring it to your forehead. Touch the forehead. Say Sou estin.

    Touch your chest and say he Basileia

    Touch the right shoulder and say kai he Dynamis

    Touch the left shoulder and say kai he Doxa.

    Clasp your hands above your chest and say eis tous Aionas ton Aionon

    Say Amen.


  4. Stand and face the East.

    Imagine brilliant white light touching the top of your head. Reach up with your hand and connect with it to bring it to your forehead. Touch the forehead. Say Bhuait, a Cruithear.

    Touch your chest and say na Rìoghachd

    Touch the right shoulder and say na Neart

    Touch the left shoulder and say 's na Miadh

    Clasp your hands over your chest and say An Talamh, gu sìor.
    Say Fàilte

    Face the East.

    Use the hand to trace a large lesser banishing pentagram. Vibrate Gaoth an Ear
    Thrust into it and vibrate Adhar

    Bring the line to the South and trace the same pentagram there. Vibrate Gaoth a Deas
    Thrust into it and vibrate Teine

    Bring the line to the West and trace the same pentagram there. Vibrate Gaoth an Iar
    Thrust into it and vibrate Uisge

    Bring the line to the North and trace the same pentagram there. Vibrate Gaoth a Tuath
    Thrust into it and vibrate Talamh

    Return to the East, make the cross with your body.

    Say Before me, DON, Queen of the Heavens.

    Behind me, LLYR, King of the Seas.

    On my right hand, BRIGID, Lady of the ever-burning Fire.

    On my left hand, CERNUNNOS, Lord of the Forest.

    For about me are NA DÈATHAN...

    And in the center is CO-COTHROM

    Stand and face the East.

    Imagine brilliant white light touching the top of your head. Reach up with your hand and connect with it to bring it to your forehead. Touch the forehead. Say Bhuait, a Cruithear.

    Touch your chest and say na Rìoghachd

    Touch the right shoulder and say na Neart

    Touch the left shoulder and say 's na Miadh

    Clasp your hands over your chest and say An Talamh, gu sìor.

    Say Fàilte.

    · Rather than pentagrams, the student may draw the circled cross. Circled cross: Start at the top and move down for the vertical shaft. Start at the left and move straight across to the right for the horizontal shaft. Start at a point on the left side of the circle and trace clockwise to do the circle.

There are other rituals outlined but it is not my passion to do all the formatting work. In the end based on the words of A Crowley I am probably unworthy to possess it. It's just that these sorts of things seem to put some balm over my existential wounds for a while. I just don't enjoy being a human. Deep down my dream future probably consists of going far away. With my music and my defects and my regrets and my memories, the dumb little enigma that I am.

One of the reasons why I pulled this one out the deep is I haven't been channeling any dream worlds lately. I want to describe trains & hearths or Cobble city or Field witch world, but those are already old and all dusted. I could, but I just haven't been doing that. I haven't been feeling very inspired. I am still somewhat depressed and am swamped with a toxic stress level that would need something lifechanging in order to go away. I need a better life in general, but I just don't know how to do it.