Spiritual health awareness

Rayman 2 OST — The first mask

Dumbass gets enlightened, goes haywire


[...] There are a frightening amount of people who seem to have the urge not just to ignore the Self, but actually seem to have the urge to obliterate themselves.
This is horrific. But you can almost understand the desire to simply wipe out that awareness, because it's too much of a responsibility [...] Such a thing as a Soul, such a precious thing, what if you break it, what if you lose it [...] Might it not be best to anesthetize it, to deaden it, to destroy it, to not have to deal with the pain of struggling towards it and trying to keep it pure.

Don't worry, it's all fine.
The seal can fit some dals in it too. Anyways, let's.

So in the "western world" one of the closest jobs to shaman you can get is something like writer. Although there are others in this vein being the realm of Artist. And while enlightenment can be fundamentally destabilizing, confronting, dangerous, it doesn't necessarily need to be. If you take it the right way, take it slow and just bite off as much as you can chew, you may even sail smooth and have a good time!

It's that, after chasing the dragon for too long, very recently I just stopped a bit to look at the light gleaming through the green leaves of this great tree which was swaying and flowing in the breeze... and thought to myself, Okay. Maybe that was enough enlightenment for this one lifetime.

Maybe I look forwards to life now. The part within the flesh. Even though I still want to die, perhaps I can find some sort of closure in life. Perhaps I will even be happy. Maybe. Let's see.
I still need to leave, I still need to get the fuck outta here and find a little spot of home in this crazy bitchass world. Translation, I usually don't like people and having to deal with them... and I don't want to work... Sigh.

I've already written so much about the similar souls, I won't repeat myself. They are having trouble "fitting in" with this modern glass-house shoppy weird-ass murderous system. I'm the role that tells you not to give it up and fall to despair, to take example and delve into all those that came before you and felt the same; that instead of shutting themselves away from an abrasive world, they carved their own little space out and thrived within.
Seriously, think about it! Carve your own out and in a way, contribute your effort to the war by furthening the nobility of soul. Being not a mass of flesh but an ethereal being, and being aware of this, it's not meant to bring you suffering, and neither should it. How many before you that have escaped the flesh, in a multitude of ways, just look at — the Illiad! All the great works of old, and take a look at the Epic of Gilgamesh — all the way to this Our waking time, people are fighting, like The Golden compass, they are people that plunge their whole selves into their realm, their pocket dimension they access — sometimes just in dreams, in their sleep or awake, eyes closed, the burst and crashing of the sea and the fresh humidity, and I have told you again and again — The worlds are real...

The secret to Kali Yuga being that it is beaten within yourself. That's what I meant when I talked about the war.

Now we are here looking at some of the Elements. MGQ also.
After all these seasons, each being the last for calendar human and yet eternal on their own. To me the planet is reborn every winter. Another cute little secret, born in spring, prime in summer, wisdom in autumn and death in winter... telling us something; I wasn't alive before I was born either, yet now I am. We're vetted for takeoff.

So Happy Mabon, what can I say?