Norway is still the greatest country on this sodden earth
I see a white-grey plain, vast, under a clear freezing azure sky. It flies far like Rakastettu, just a hut within nowhere. The smell of damp steam. Heat and hearth, a tiled roof and wooden beams. Flying back out the walls there is a pond out back. The smooth silvery gravel, rounded almost blue, mosaically, is covered in an icelike sheen as if the grit of frost. There are weeds and fish and otters. It's not even cold, it's just Finland, and the great expanse hugs the whitening sky. I run out the sauna's door: the wintery breeze rushes into my pores and whips my skin, all the while inside the heat resonates. I breathe in: it freshes my lit lungs open. Xurious - Revolt Against The Modern World (432 Hz).mp3
The iodated swampy lake out back of Vorsee is quite clean to swim in. The forest itself feel unanchored, as if the fae got a portal there. The kind of dreamy fantasy childhood feeling you get in nature where you could just run away into a magical adventure, find a widening hole in a treestump and it leading you to the other world. In winter, when it snows, the view out the back window is nothing but white.
You do know what is meant by the short sight distance in winter? The fog of snow. I stayed inside, in the warm, looking out: I was healing by the second.
I can sleep in the forest, fully submerge myself in a mountain river, cook my own food outside. Fully bury myself in leaves. Take a picture of the mountain woods and send it to me. Start a cult. Attain wisdom. A new year comes, and it is new again.
I know a place that is a birch forest, it has a unique vibe I can try to describe, cleaned, clear, fresh, white. The cold sun would shine through the immobile gaps; serene, quiet, eternal. We'd call it the Witches' forest. We were safer there.
It feels as if if I ever want a place to meet seraphic beings, it would be similar to this. Some seem to think the dream worlds can be only accessed in your sleep; I contend that there are pockets all around us, and we must only find them.
You can find these sorts of places. Randonautica would help sometimes. I recall it sent me to a random corn field once. I was ducking underneath the vast cornstalks, walking through, checking the ground for anything. The wind would caress throughout the crops, moving like a living sound. The pylons far above would hum faintly. There was nothing there but silence on the ground, a broken bottle at some point. Not much else but dusty dirt bleached by the sun.
And then I walk back out, do an hour and see two unrelated people I hadn't seen in years... which were really significant. pip install pyrandonaut
The worlds are linked, we can make them manifest in our current lives. The coming of a new year is the time for re-freshing oneself, to blow away old dust and start right anew. And i have worked so far and done so much progress in beating depression. It'll come back a bit, probably, but i'm doing well. My career is advancing. Though i still could fail my exams. Possibility. Perhaps the future is hidding happiness for me. And a sunshine for all, though we may live in scary times, it may just as well be the apprehension before the most amazing storm of our lives. And when springtime will come it will be glorious. Always remember, spring is space season. Air!
Shower, clean your room, LBRP in a new language. We are free for a moment beyond the boundary of the years. For now, cherish celebration, and expect liberty.