Celebrate Activity

Anthony Cistone — Stranger's flight

Among the weirdness in the hinterlands


America is a haunted land. Haunted in the clasically received sense of spooky ghosts in the mansions and prisons, and out in the lands, on battlefields and forests and field hospitals.

As tribute to the first slivers of springtime, the budding, the warming sun rising and the like, our outdoors activity changes in shape. In feel, in method perhaps, and an organization.

Celebrate activity. And realize that's all around you. American forests are no joke. Everywhere in the literature for quite some time now there's been a shift in understanding, when looking at the airship phenomenon, funky simians in the woods, moths and goblins, missing german physicians and all manners of critters such as portals and whatever comes in and out in evil silence, some have found softly painted links here and there.
Conclusion seeming: the origin is the same. The source of the weirdness is a singular plane.

In this american afterlife lurks danger. People speak of abduction. Of fleshgaits and other vagrants. They call it "transients". A call is always scary.
Some think this is a joke. State actors and those they contract are into all kinds of funny business. There have been tensely silent explorations into other worlds while laying inside MRI machines, soft humming going back and forth as they scan.

We live in a weirder world than you may imagine... a more magical one also. And do not be fooled to think i talk of America as if it's the only haunted land out there... European lands are certainly tethered, untethered, channeling, connected, in condition, at state.

In my appreciation of moody vibes i willingly list some places in Germany. I thought i wrote about this already. A people's collective soul permeates the air of the lands, or vice versa, in such a manner you feel a twinge of difference as you enter. The European soul is one of nobility, of Cold light, a shining refined steel and a white sky above neoclassical urbanisms. Some bastards keep this unavowed. This is what the Union is meant to become, and it is the European answer to this iterating stage of the Kali Yuga, for any other way would result in its demise. I will still champion solarpunk, ethnonationalism, cold nordic stoïcism, and Germanische Kälte.

Resulting from a people's global consciousness is thus, a retrocausal result, what shapes its own paranormal world. The happening and sightings and weirdnesses would be as real. I wrote about the shaman, he knows this just as well. You can evolve among the thinness of our spaces, infuse, integrate internally this spirit, sensibility or soul, that of a culture, a heritage, an around, a space and an arrived surrounding, the tree branching onto a new self-experiencing perspective.

I forgot this even though i was on the cusp, but hey, if the Newkirks finally let out the third season i'd be right onto that for sure. I used to be more than myself, certainly. But i became much more grounded in later years. And though that may be, just like the yearly cycle, i know, if i got back into it again, truly, and became recluse again so that my subconscious had to weave its interests with the nothing that it is given, and that i was then to feed it all the strangeness tastefully selected, the otherworldliness and all would certainly return. My life would become thin again, and the sensitivities would peek through. Any soul can do it.

I can and should and want to start it up again. I will relentlessly reject anything to do with negativities, which may bring some truly dangerous spiritual agencies to my life (again) But i will start the retrocausality again. Talk to myself in the future, in the past. Lesson learned: by my own culture i can shape my own weirdness. The solitude solution brings to the workbench isolation, isolation from outside influences so that your space is not assailed with polluting thirdness. Then as you bring your subconscious back to yourself, have it feed on dream material and do jouska for structure, it goes on to weave with it. And that is the premise of halling, which is to consume a lot of art and lore and media of a particular flavour, and to thereby get your subconscious going. You may experience deep dreams, and you'll know then you're doing it rightcolor. If you continue deeply down that road, adding in some hall and channel, you can shyly start up immersing into the paranormal, and — the engine starts up, and you've built yourself a world that surrounds... like a shaman, and you bring it where you go.

Attain awareness that the lands around you hide their weirdness, like a host would hide a bottle of fine wine in a cellar. The places around you are filled with tunnels, caves, chambers, all sorts of wonders you do not even know. If you behave highly and approach exquisitely, becoming a small part of these underworlds, you will find that i say truth. And these hosts will show you their wine, lead you down the cellars, and show you much much more.