I just want to be free, to be free and to be strong
I travelled halfway across the Aegeans just to watch the sun shine over the hills at the end. I crossed the Gotthard and went to check out the deepest hidden folds of Böhmen-Mähren, I walked the streets of Faro and wondered what in the fuck am i ever doing here. I saw all sorts of things. I stepped by the sandy streets out next through the narrow walkways and smelled the oceans. I went to Slovenia and saw their small castles and mossy garden walls. I saw Ireland in the foggy dew, and noticed a fighting people. I trekked half across Finland and Norway, felt a mindset i energetically respected. Almost never pregnant. I kept going. Bottomed up on liters of coffee and went South.
I walked the cliffs of Turkey and gazed Eastwards over the Anatola. Had Gyros and shook my head.
I said i'll go East.
I rocked with the russian soul. Drank though many nights and froze my ass off from babusha's wintery embrace. I stood half across the oceans. Put my foot, my very sole on the spot that marked the three borders. Took night trains through the snow. I never stopped rocking. My head nods every snare and drum. I put on a turban and fled through Kashmir. Almost got caught, then i entered the Bengals. i chilled with all sorts of armed men. Had a sliver of indochina.
Woke up in a romanian forest.
Back home in ancient Europe, i blew up. Threw their shit to the walls. I couldn't take their zombie speeches. Not anymore. Slovakia it was. Touched Czech from the fingertips then headed North.
In the end i will never stop rocking. But i just want to keep fucking going.
I'm on the run. I don't want it to ever catch up to me. How can i just keep running? Please help o wold, i want to never stop. Never stop at all.
Out of money. Already on the run from sobriety, I think that's clear by now. The road calls me, a deep addicted striving that pulls me. I walk it ever darkly, especially though. I feel the soul... sometimes. Hard to reach, tends to be hidden out back of a greek pizzeria's terrace court at night. Drunk.
Keep going.
How to fight? How to turn this tide? Every day i find a badly molochian world staring at me. It corrupts something. It leers at me -- Destroy the child. Corrupt them all. It growls... a part of me even likes it. But not the long-term part, not the real part, not the part that's true to myself. Not the part that's conducive to self-betterment. A deep nostalgia takes me. Ah, so typical, my ass is stuck between two chairs, LHP, RHP, and nothing real between. So irksome. I want to be real.
The devil is in the mountains of morocco. For sure. There are insane feasts happening out there. In the sense of epic transcendent celebrations of sorts. As cut off from the rest of the world. Indescribable. Back to the roots. The true old self of nature Earthy beyond reality. A green man. You should be careful who you talk to. My favourite color is black. I need to remember to cherish, to worship the night. To channel it. In its roaminess. As a Youth, a God, a stealing throughout the measures. Like a thief seizing the moment. Go.
I say everything and yet nothing. Like a breath that shapes. No flesh, no bones, so beside the point i'm pulling. Along the weeds akin to a raising. Alone and expected.
Every so-or-so, impatiently we are one.
Deep worries. Altschmerz. Inescapable. Again, again. Man, i need therapy. Where is my therapy twink? Damn.
Ah i said that and just escaped. Feeling old, feeling bad, feeling young, feeling better. I am young, but i want to be young forever. Is this that something that rushes through me? The inexplainable dark current? The Nachtstrom? This is my meaning. What i'm made of.
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The real solution against missing out is healing. Fixing myself and my CPTSD and all that trauma crap and being unleashed onto the world. I know this would unlock a pressurized reservoir of white-hot pure concentrated energy. I would be unfurled, would rage out and take this wide world by storm. In comparison what i found within me in Norway would be nothing. But I have issues because the demoralization makes me deviate and sink away from this path, and that is just conducive so a self-fulfilling prophecy of hopelessness and youth wasted. See, i'm scared of wasting myself. But i just gotta shake myself.
Crucially be given the right tools, the right environment to shake myself awake and burst out swinging at the obstacles on my path to supremacy. I still wonder if this is what Azazel wanted from me. But i just can't know him. Who knows what that is? Can i even trust him? Sometimes i want to! It exudes an aura of stalwart bearing. In a power sub way. I like it. I am it.
I can be the person that I wish i was. If only i could overcome myself. Selbstüberwindung. Then i would take everything. Be everything i ever wanted.
I would win.