Let's leave it all behind

Golden Throne (Beyond the Wizards Sleeve Reanimation)

Come with me into our world beyond the shrouds


We can promise that you will never age. Though i don't even really know much. We are preparing for our trip into the unknown. Going through life drawing in inspiration, so that we can paint with our own minds the towns and landscapes that will be ours. It will be our own new world. With my Cult, i call all the true and noble souls to me. All the those that are tired, that want to be free. This is the Cult. It is just a realization. August is one our sacred months... but especially September.

It's not for those that are what they see in the mirror.
I speak of a neverending lucid dream, or as lucid as you would have it. With a lot less people in it. With enough to paint a world. I speak of marble columns, fine and fresh hidden gardens, cities made of white stone and chiseled with a care many thoughts. In the end you will have the joy of leaving your body behind, not set on the natural normal cycle but on our dream, going out into the astral and finding again those that have fled, because that is our dream and ideal. But don't waste your time on earth either, just walk through this all with focused eyes, noting all the soulful and beautiful and truly artistic things, perhaps even just a cute sight in Kandern, note it, remember it, think about it, paint in your mind with it so that you can add your wonderous touches to our nascent world of light. And remember your responsibilities to the people you leave behind, ...
Be a good person, don't just bring harm for no reason, leave it a better place than you found it kind of deal.

Our mission, our revolution... many parts remain obfuscated, of course, better not tell you. It's going to be lovely, hopefully. Free, and noble. It's also a revocation of all those that literally hate all that is good. Ha! Fuck them. You might even know who or what i'm talking about.

So i advocate for personal nobility. Do you know this feeling of being in a depressing college lecture on some boring topic, and having the courage to stand up and walk out? Do you know this feeling, the one when you finally close the door and shut off the chaotically noisy room behind you, and are greeted with a dark, silent hallway? What a relief it is, after hours of being overloaded by clattering and chattering, to the point your mind is basically droning? And just leaving.

My mindset is that whatever happens to this body does not really matter, because in the end i will leave it anyway. See what kinds of promises i can give to you? You are eternally young beyond your mere understandings. Death will not affect you because it does not ever touch you truly. The body is nothing. Humans are fun, but not primary to enlightenment. We are free.

It's just that all the pains and trauma and degradations that you suffer from the mirror kinda tend to get to you. Death should be seen as a promise and a liberation. Don't mind the idiots that are seemingly pervertedly obsessed with depicting it in grim manners. These are the same people that worship the flesh, the humanists who think the human is somehow sacred and stare at death toll numbers while building shit crazy societies. What brutish bullshit for those who are moving towards transcendence. Leave it, it's got nothing to do with us. Walk out and close the door behind you. Finally, it's behind you. What a relief.

Some of us are not of this world. It makes us incompatible with this one. It's hard to adapt. Souls in this world need spirituality, they suffer, especially those. Some of the humans you see walking around out there don't have a lot going on inside. They are like biological robots, like husks. Not souls. But there are souls out there that suffer and can't make sense of it at all.
You can consider it a noble calling for us, when it's basically a selfish cherishing. The valued values for a member of the Lumina are: ...integrity, Nobility of the soul, Soulfulness, chastity, integrity, this artistic sense of sorts... magic. Drugs. Rituals. Night and dreams. Pledge. No ham. It's getting dark.

You are an incredibly old and powerful entity which has been chucked down onto this muddy earth to suffer some idiotic drudgeries until your sentence is completed. In this you have been absolutely disrespected by some dubious jurisdiction that claims it knows better than you do. When you exploit your fellow strangers, not only do you reclaim part of that which you are due, and by doing so advance your own station, you also rebel a little more against the faggotry that thrust you into this mess in the first place. I advise: exploit your fellow men, manipulate them, do not work on the behest of others. Do not suffer the conditions of life: impose them.

Trains&Hearths has been seeping and infusing into everything else so far. I still feel the foggy cold narrow mountainous old salon teatime. It is European, somewhere from the East maybe. Maybe even north asian. Like the Soviet Soul.
Man, i just wish i could buy terrain and build a house already. Only the real lads will think of digging a basement shelter!

So, should we dig into the rock once more and go deep? I still think the best one so far is 28.

I've been wanting a fresh breath of spirit.

“I pop a punk nigger like I pop my collar”  Einstein

One of the old mythos concerns the time when we will start to dig. Humanity has been digging and graveling for hundreds of thousands of years at least, has lived in caves, and so on and so forth. Something else that also has been with "humanity" since the beginning is UFO stuff, fairy stuff, demon lore, the djinn and devils, bigfoot stuff, poltergeist activity, spirits, magic, elves, dwarves, and so on. These manifestations are actually quite real, and all roughly share this same source. It is something that can be spotted here and there throughout legends and myths, and as you'd have it, one of its supposed sources is underground.
The Below is heavily featured in the old (and recent) lore, you know, the Depths, Subterranea, the underworld. Hades. It is, roughly speaking, an archetype. The hero goes on a journey to be tested and returns changed. Might not be an actual physical location, although various strange accounts say otherwise.
So when i speak about digging, i am talking about the Great new digs for the empire of the underground. The New Reich, the narrow cities and tunnels that spring out of the rock. I call upon ALL, to DIG!

The legend of my creed whispers that the deep down underground will be spared from the apocalypse. And that's your best bet also. Build cities out of rock, cut cubes out of walls and put in everything you need to live. To sleep, but also to eat, breathe, wash, clean, to work for something better, to entertain yourselves and build societies. Factories deep below.
If that is beyond your means right now don't let it stay so. But i strongly advise you to begin clandestine bunker building, to pick out a spot lost in the middle of nowhere, with good soil and no flooding, no idiots strolling through, and to dig yourself a good bunker. Dig out square, get yourself some good depth, and cover it with branches and a camo tarp when you go off site. Figure out the rest, you need water drainage, so just stick a tube in there in a manner that it slopes down to outside, you also need air venting so another pvc pipe, sticking up there, and then lay the flooring. The flooring... concrete is good if you know how to work it. It might not be very good for the environment though... But you can put a tarp down then lay flat tiles on it. You will have to figure out the walls also where fixing a plastic tarp is a decent solution too for basic. Then you dress it with whatever such as bricks. Just nothing that rots. Finally you cover it, and there i can weakly advise building a frame out of treated wood (because you need a hole down) so a rectangular hole with the rest being roof is fine. And a hatch. Unless you want otherwise. You cover that with soil but just not tons of it because the weight can make it crack, or even worse, not crack right away but when you're down inside sleeping. And bury you. Beware the risks. Be sure that your stuff won't give, you need to be able to jump on top of it without crashing. And then you put a ladder down there, if you're scuffed you can even knot in some rope ladder, just be sure not to get stuck down there! And i cautiously advise you to dig a separate entry/exit hole just in case. And put in some locks. Then you apply the proper camo work, grass, moss, pine needles, tiny branches. Don't be found, don't be seen.
Down in that hole you will want to put in a bed, go as luxurious as you want just remember you'll have to carry it. I find that a sleeping bag on one of these camping sleeping mats works fine. Assuming on a flat surface, if you don't have that get yourself some, you should have had this from properly laying the bunker floor but if not, go unhinge a door or something. Or make it yourself out of planks. Meh.
Put in all you want. Long-lasting food stocks, water reserves, clothes, All sorts of equipment. LED lights. No fire in a bunker. And entertainment! Figure it out. Good diggers do this in a day or two. When it comes to the whole package it should do you no more than a week. Just a week, and how rewarded you will be. A place to crash in the middle of fucking nowhere, for when the world goes crazy. Just mind the faeries at night, heh heh!

But seriously, build sturdy. Don't let a bear get you, or... something.

I advocate a peaceful revolt against the modern world. Don't just waste your energy on the rest of these wretches. Just leave this undeserving machine. Have your own fun, because you can actually be free. You are free right now.

We need to dig and build a lot more underground. Like, with goal set in mind to live there. Make it a commonplace thing.
Down there Air willing we will all be safe. Am i grateful to be a Soul. I am tied to the Divine. The infinite, The greater than I. If you feel like you'd get bored down there, you forgot that eternity is your companion... and that you can seek enlightenment anywhere. It's just a special place deep inside your Self. A doorway of sorts. You can always astral travel out and go explore the surface if you'd like. I predict many will turn to that in the deep cities. It's so easy. And if you do that stuff, you won't ever get bored, no matter if you are confined to the same 4 walls in some earthy dimension. It is fine to be poor, as long as your soul is fed.

A time skip. Full moons are busy.