Black flame · spiritual introversion · praise the sun (((O)))
Solar Grounding Ritual
Visualize yourself growing as big as you can, until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Earth. See yourself in the darkness of space with your feet on the two worlds.
Draw up power from the Sun into yourself and re-direct it into the Earth. Make certain one foot is firmly planted on the Sun and the other foot is firmly planted on the Earth. You need to feel the power rising up from the Sun into your body, feel your body being infused by this energy, and then feel the power flow down the other leg into the Earth.
Do this continuously for about 15 minutes. Then, shut off the flow to the Earth while still drawing the power from the Sun. Continue this for about 1 minute. At the end of this exercise see yourself shrink back down to your normal size.
Do this exercise two to three times a day for the next week. This exercise should make an immediate difference in your available energy and should also ground you. I will not tell you WHAT you will feel however I guarantee you that you WILL feel the energy within you and passing through you.
Many are unable to do this exercise for a full 15 minutes when starting. If you are doing it properly you may need to do it for shorter periods initially. Additionally, to call this exercise a “Grounding” exercise is VERY misleading. Once you begin this exercise you will experience some unusual things that will open an entire new world to you.
Solar Banishing Wave
There is one key requirement that is necessary for the Banishing Wave to work:
KNOW that the Banishing Wave will work.
Visualise and feel a wave, similar to the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, expanding and radiating out from within you in all directions. The wave should be seen as forming a pressure wave that physically and astrally “blows away” anything in its path.
Feel the heat of the explosion, the force of the blast, and see the pressure wave expanding out to the horizon in all directions. This explosion should be seen and felt as an expanding CIRCLE or SPHERE, with you being in the center of this explosion...
The effectiveness of the Banishing Wave is greatly increased if you incorporate the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual. To do this all that is required is that you remember what the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual feels like and feel THAT ENERGY as the nuclear explosion that radiates and expands evenly away from you.
This Banishing technique, once mastered, can be performed instantly almost without thought and has proven effective against any entity or force that the caster wishes to Banish.
Get going. Some said LBRP+MPR every day. Maybe, well, the words are sacred but you have all you need. SGR+SBW is at least not jewish, and calls on nothing but SUNN. Find the Garantheum
It's all tough to explain, what we want, this particular source we're feeling and swimming with barely knowing and trying in vain to define, but it's all okay. Listen! Understand the Solitude solution, go quiet and keep the thoughts inside, nurture them like plants, select and grow the good ones
Those that get you closer to this mystical slipstream, the halling and flowing, understand the why of worship and delve into its scintillating entrancing depths... it's all enchanted, and unless you grow those good thoughts into a heavenly garden of sorts, not just dark or bright, but Sunn and Moon and Magic and so much else, up to the point where you know halling and flowing and can do it (it's not hard or past a mysterious skill plateau don't worry)
In fact I'll queue it now, I might have written about this already but I'll add. When you pronounce a thought, like when you articulate it out loud or worse, to another, then it's like this thought slips out from you and goes out into the world. But in doing so it is no longer your thought and in fact loses what makes it uniquely yours. So you lose a thought.
Introverts really understand this. Or at least those that guard their thoughts and keep them close to them like treasures, those that count giving them up and talking about them as losing them and thus losing a part of themselves, because maybe they do not understand the difference between the spheres very well, and maybe they don't have a barrier ─ which may make them schizophrenics by definition.
Now, if you keep letting go of these thoughts into the public, letting go of all the thoughts uniquely yours like a bigmouthed retard, then you may have few thoughts that are genuinely yours, a small inner world, and woe maybe this unexplainable inner black flame is dimmer within you as well.
This is the best way I can explain it. Solitude solution is cutting off most people if not all. Keeping it to yourself, letting the thoughts stay inside, having some of them rot and some of them grow into something that may blossom, lay strange seeds, and grow into something else eventually. Maybe you'll go crazy, maybe the pressure will be unbearable, and maybe you'll make it through. I guarantee you that if you do make it to completion you will feel like an alien to society. Or maybe not, if you're really good at it. But at the very least something very interesting will happen. And this is not something to just flip through in a day or so. No it takes years. I'd say at least 5. After this vow something in you will change, and you may feel that which I'm half-talking about often. The inner something. It means something. And maybe all the pain that comes with it is even worth it in the end. You might even go on long ravings like these that nobody understands. But what I'm about, and what all this is about, it's serious, it's pretty big and bashingly beautiful. And I'm also serious. This is maybe the most precious thing we've encountered; it's something that for example turns your dreams into something so deep and connected, anywhere you go you will be fine as long as you can dream. It's... hard to describe...
But after all, if you've followed the trail and read it, it does read like so...
« We are still attempting to define it »